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Business Performance 혁신적인 기술로 당신과 미래를 연결합니다.

    Paju Unjeong District 3 Phase 2 Housing Site Development Project Section 2 Landscape Architecture

    공사명 Paju Unjeong District 3 Phase 2 Housing Site Development Project Section 2 Landscape Architecture
    공사내용 1 neighborhood park, 6 buffer green areas, 1 waterfront park, 2 landscape green areas, 2 children's parks, 1 pedestrian street, 5 small parks, 1 street tree street
    공사위치 The Gyoha District of Housing Site Development Project in Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do
    공사기간 September 2020 to November 2025
    발주처 Korea Land and Housing Corporation, Incheon Regional Headquarters